Night courses

Regular Exam English Course Cork
  • Start dates All year round.
  • Lessons per week 2 (3 hours)
  • Levels B1 - C2
  • Class size Max 6 people
  • Morning class 10.00-11.30 & 11.30-1.00
  • Evening class 6.00-7.30 & 7.45-9.15
  • Days Mondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays & Thursdays
  • Duration 1 month attendance minimum. Recommended 3 months to cover all course material extensively.


The regular exam English course is for someone who wants to combine their general English learning with exam preparation.

Do you want to do an English class for an exam but also improve your general fluency? Here at Patrick’s English Academy we have designed a system to learn English which combines our own trusted method with  Cambridge First Certificate preparation, Cambridge Advanced preparation and IELTS preparation.

If you are prepared to work hard both inside and outside of class every day, we guarantee students will be successful with their exams, and more importantly, transform their level of English in the quickest time possible.





  • 2 weeks € -
  • 4 weeks € 160
  • 8 weeks € 320
  • 12 weeks € 430
Regular General English Course Cork
  • Start dates All year
  • Lessons per week 2 (3 hours)
  • Levels B1-C2
  • Class size Max 6 people
  • Morning class 10.00-11.30 & 11.30-1.00
  • Evening class 6.00-7.30 & 7.45-9.15
  • Days Mondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays & Thursdays
  • Duration 1 month attendance minimum. Recommended 3 months to cover all course material extensively.


This English course is for people who want to improve their English fluency for both personal and professional reasons. In our small classes, the English teacher will attend to each student’s specific needs at all times. If you are motivated and prepared to work hard both inside and outside of class every day, then, we guarantee you will you see a significant transformation in your general level of English in the quickest time possible. Our courses are also available online.


  • 2 weeks € -
  • 4 weeks € 160
  • 8 weeks € 320
  • 12 weeks € 430